
Akio Takahashi, Regime Changes and Socio-economic History of Rural Myanmar, 1986-2019 (Springer)


本書は、2021年2月に出版された髙橋昭雄『ミャンマーの体制転換と農村の社会経済史:1986-2019年』(東京大学出版会)を著者が自ら英訳したものである。したがって、同年同月に起こった”Regime Change”後の農村社会については本文に書かれていない。だが、この英語版では前書きと後書きを加筆して、簡潔に言及している。


This is the first book to depict the transformation and steadiness of Myanmar’s rural socio-economy from within the villages based on my own detailed research, in relation with the regime changes from Burmese Way to Socialism to military junta and to democratization from 1986 to 2019.

The main subject of the transformation is “de-agrarianisation” including land use and holdings, household incomes, non-, migrations, power structure, village landscape, etc. And the principal theme of the steadiness is the “absence of village collective” which is the core of rural Myanmar, in contrast to village communities like Japan. This is the reason why Myanmar villagers have lived surprisingly bright, free and independent despite the oppressive political economy under the socialism and the military junta, and have not collectively participated in so-called community development.

This book is the result of research conducted by visiting more than 200 villages and interviewing more than 10,000 people by myself in Myanmar language.
(--This text refers to the hardcover edition.)






登録者 :髙橋・野久保・多田・廣田
掲載期間:20240222 - 20240526
当日期間:20240222 - 20240222